Protection Plus Solutions is the leader when it comes to background check screening for Door To Door marketing companies. PPS is constantly fine-tuning our background reporting to ensure that all PUC Compliancy requirements are met as well as any new laws or FCRA rules that may affect your hiring process. We know companies that promote D2D Sales expectations are set at the highest background screening standards. That’s why we provide background screening solutions tailored around companies that sell Cable, Energy, and Home Services in residential neighborhoods.
Protection Plus Solutions takes the worry out of selecting the right background check screening products for Door to Door Sales Teams. We provide comprehensive, real time National, State, County, and Federal (PACER) Background Checks, Including Social Security Validation, AKA Record Search, 10 Year SSN History Search, National Sex Offender Registry, OFAC, Terrorist Watch Lists, and an immediate case review with our compliance team to ensure accuracy and validation of your candidate for hire.
Our advanced pre-screening online application and drug screening service allows you to quickly and seamlessly:
Verify the applicants True IDENTITY and any alias useds
Verify if the name of or other personal information has been falsified
Order "CrimSPY" Protection Plus Solutions monthly monitoring system which alerts you to any crimes the employee commits while working for you.
Order ID Badging with 24/7 Online verification of their "clear background" report for you or your customers to verify at anytime!
Verify if the applicant has a Criminal History
Provide you with "Pass or Fail" screening policies based upon your needs.
Verify if they have a valid Social Security Number or Drivers License
Verify National Sex Offender Registry
Order and Track Drug Screening Results On-line
Our unique Protection Plus Solutions ID Badge allows Your Company or Your Customer the ability to check the background status of your Sales Rep 24/7 by logging into our secured website. We ALSO place EACH Sales Rep on CrimSPY™, Protection Plus Solutions monthly monitoring system that alerts you if your Sal