Protection Plus Solutions “BadgeLINK™” solution provides your customers Peace of Mind knowing that your employee or 1099 contractor is Crime-Free to enter their home or business

Get Started

ID Badging System: $20.00 Hard Copy Badge – $13.50 Virtual ID badge – PPS ID badging is customized to fit your company’s needs. We only provide badges if your candidate has passed a thorough background check screening clearance with Protection Plus Solutions. The CrimSPY certification mark is posted on all ID badges and when displayed by your candidate indicates your company’s dedication to protecting the safety and well-being of the customers you service. Virtual ID badges can be printed from our end-processing platform. You must also get permission from the companies you are working with if you plan to use their logo. That information must be sent to PPS before we begin your template setup. The templates ID badge setup fee is $50.00 for all “new templates”. If new templates are needed for a new campaign but the same logo we charge $25.00 to change address location and mailing processing.

There is no set-up fee or cost to participate- just use our badging system and let us know you are interested. Yes, it's FREE!

Seth Salesperson
Agent ID : CCCC-1254
Vendor ID : 800.871.8100
National Background Screen : PASS
Badge serial no: 1462816579
Name: Seth Salesperson
First background check: 11/15/2022
Last background check: 12/15/2022
Employer Details
Telecom USA
1234 America Blvd. Your Town USA, 00877 800-555-1212
Sally Salesperson
Agent ID : SDSC-1254
Vendor ID : 552.622.6262
National Background Screen : FAIL
Badge serial no: 1462816579
Name: Sally Salesperson
First background check: 11/15/2022
Last background check: 12/15/2022
Employer Details
Vendor Sales
1196 Mission street, Happy City, Texas 78401 800-352-7757


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